BFS 문제풀이 최단거리 찾기
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나가 뒤지자
5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1----------
def read_file(file_name): result = [] with open(file_name, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for l in lines: result.append([int(e) for e in l.split()]) return result tups = read_file("") my_map = tups[1:] start = (0,0) end = (len(my_map)-1, len(my_map[0])-1) my_que = [] def BFS(start_point): my_que.append((start_point,0)) while my_que and my_que[0][0] != end: now_point, now_len = my_que.pop(0) my_map[now_point[0]][now_point[1]] = 0 if now_point[1]+1 < len(my_map[0]) and my_map[now_point[0]][now_point[1]+1]==1: my_que.append(((now_point[0], now_point[1]+1), now_len+1)) if now_point[1]-1 >= 0 and my_map[now_point[0]][now_point[1]-1]==1: my_que.append(((now_point[0], now_point[1]-1), now_len+1)) if now_point[0]+1 < len(my_map) and my_map[now_point[0]+1][now_point[1]]==1: my_que.append(((now_point[0]+1, now_point[1]), now_len+1)) if now_point[0]-1 >= 0 and my_map[now_point[0]-1][now_point[1]]==1: my_que.append(((now_point[0]-1, now_point[1]), now_len+1)) if my_que: return my_que[0][1] return -1 L=BFS(start) print(L)
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